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California Fish and Game Commission to Hold Special Meeting to Discuss Timeline for South Coast MLPA Report

Send in your comments today asking for more time for review of this large, complex and highly important document

The Situation
On September 29, 2010, the California Fish and Game Commission (FGC) will hold a special meeting to discuss and consider a potential extension to the public comment period for the South Coast region Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) as part of the Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) implementation process. The DEIR, which was released on August 18, 2010, analyzes the potential environmental impacts of the marine protected area (MPA) proposals currently under consideration for this area. The DEIR was given a 45-day review and comment period.

The DEIR is a 548-page document that addresses a number of complex environmental issues that require careful consideration. The recreational fishing and boating community believes that it is imperative that the FGC extend this to a 90-day period to provide the public with sufficient time to review and comment on this report.

Decisions made under the MLPA process, including the DEIR, will have significant and long-lasting consequences for angling and boating in the region. The public deserves enough time to carefully review and provide input on the DEIR to ensure it is as comprehensive, informative and accurate as possible and is not driven by a need to meet arbitrary deadlines.

Click here to send a letter to the FGC urging them to extend the comment period on the DEIR to 90 days. The FGC needs to hear from you before the upcoming meeting. Send your message now!

The FGC will also be receiving public comment during its September 29 meeting. This is your chance to convey to the FGC - in person - the importance of allowing an extension.

The meeting will be held from Noon – 5 p.m. PDT at the Lion’s Gate Hotel & Conference Center, 3410 Westover Street, McClellan, Calif.

For more details regarding the September 29 FGC meeting, visit www.fgc.ca.gov/meetings/2010/2010mtgs.asp


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